Today I have Sudhir Sharma with us on Audiogyan. Sudhir is a man of many facets: he is a designer, an entrepreneur, a teacher and a publisher. He is the founder and chairman of Indi Design. He is a publisher with POOL magazine, One of the most recognised magazines dedicated to design in India. In his avatar as a promoter of India’s design sector, Sudhir has been known to take a great deal of personal initiative, bringing his brand of persuasion to a wide variety of activities.Today we are here to speak about importance of building design communities and more… 1\. What is Pool magazine? What was the thought behind starting it? 2\. Why do you think India lacks documentation? 3\. What is the importance of communities, more importantly design communities? What is the impact you have seen so far? 4\. How cooperative, Design school Alumni, Design schools, government organisations have been in building these communities? 5\. What is the future of these communities and various platforms of which you have been part of? How will they help society or designers at large?

Documenting conversations with designers, artists, writers, thinkers, musicians, philosophers, and other luminaries from India.
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