Vijay Dhondopant Tendulkar Born on 6 January 1928 and passed away on 19 May 2008. Tendulkar Sahab was or should I call is an unarguably a leading Indian playwright, movie and television writer, literary essayist, political journalist, and social commentator. He is best known for his plays Shantata! Court Chalu Aahe (1967), Ghāshirām Kotwāl (1972), and Sakhārām Binder (1972). Welcome to Audiogyan Biographies. Today we will be documenting Vijay Tendulkar with a bit of help from Ramu Ramanathan. Ramu is an Indian playwright-director with acclaimed plays to his credit. Ramu has previously been a guest on Episode Number 29 of Season 1. He spoke about Stagelife Characters. Ramu is my go to person to understand tidbits about Indian Theatre.

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