Today I have Appupen with us on Audiogyan (loosely translated from Malayalam as grandfather). Appu is a noted graphic novelist and artist from Bangalore. He is the creator of graphic novels ‘The Snake and the Lotus’, ‘Moonward’, ‘Legends of Halahala’, ‘Aspyrus’ and the super hero satire series ‘Rashtraman’. His work is almost wordless narratives with sarcasm and irony. He is the founder/editor of Brainded India. Today we are here to know his thoughts and ideas about art, comics and more... What does art mean to you. Especially comics as an art form? Can you briefly share the kind of books you've written and the reasons for it? You work which I have seen or could comprehend, want to strongly communicate a message. If I can say, your work has a lot of despair - if yes, why? I mean I am saying this as layman, be it titles like Dystopian times, Halahala (which is poison), Aspyrus, brainded and so on… Also the kind of colour palate seems to be dark and grungy. Not just that, you characters like Rastraman, Propogandhi also has subtext to it. Whats going on in here? How would you respond to that? You don’t seem to like the idea of a superhero, or of gods or god-men either. Ironically you yourself are trying to create a superhero Ratrashman. Whats your response to that? Who is Rashtraman? I would also like to know what is BraindedIndia? Do comic as an art form gives you hope? How?

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